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Version 15 - Beta 1

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 5:38 pm
by FileViewer
The first beta version of V15 is now available at: (the link is not clickable)

The main new feature in Version 15 is high DPI support.

When running on high resolution monitors, Windows will automatically use a scaling factor (125% or 150% is typical) to increase the size of text and other user interface elements (eg, icons and buttons).

Unfortunately, this has the effect of making V look a bit blurry. With high DPI support, V recognizes that it is running on a high resolution monitor and adjusts the user interface accordingly. Windows no longer scales the text and V once again looks crisp and sharp!

V15 also introduces Tab Sets and a new Highlight All functionality.

Tab Sets

FolderTabs are a great way of bookmarking often visited folders. However, FolderTabs can get a bit messy once you start having many folders. This is where Tab Sets are useful.

Tab Sets allow you to create several different sets of tabs and decide which set to use based on what you are doing. For example, you can use one set of tabs when you are organizing your photo collection, another set of tabs for your music, another for your documents and spreadsheets and another set for general use.

Highlight All

The Highlight All functionality has changed in V15. Previously, only all occurrences of the search string were highlighted. In V15, all occurrences of the selected text are highlighted.

For example, if you double-click on a word, all occurrences of that word will now be highlighted.

Further details can be found at the above URL and in the What's New in V15? section of the V Help File

I look forward to your feedback.

Re: Version 15 - Beta 1

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 6:17 am
by davidmyemail
Hello Charles

I downloaded and installed the v15 Beta 2 version 32-bit.

I'm having problems with the tab sets. I opened up aout 12 directories in tabs, then saved it as "w - ut". Closed all the tabs except one, right-clicked on the tab, and tried to re-load the set. The existing tab dissapears, and only a empty tab toolbar is left. All other ordinary functions seem to work.

If I change to a different tab, that single tab reappears as normal.

I thought maybe it didn't like the fact my drives were a mix of local and networked (sambe) drives. But using only 2 tabs and saved as "x" , also didn't work.

I am on Windows 7 32 bit SR 1.

P.S. I like the highlight all search feature.

Re: Version 15 - Beta 1

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 2:14 pm
by FileViewer
Closed all the tabs except one, right-clicked on the tab, and tried to re-load the set. The existing tab dissapears, and only a empty tab toolbar is left.
Can you please send the Tab Set file to v at (it will be named something like "w - ut.vtabs").

The Tab set files are stored in C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\V\TabSets