CSV Mode

If V14 recognizes a file as a CSV file it will display it as a table (in CSV mode). For V to recognize a file as a CSV file, the first 2 lines in the file must contain the same number of delimiters.

If V does not recognize the file as a CSV file, you may enable CSV mode manually by pressing the CSV Mode button on the toolbar. This will allow you to view CSV files with lines containing varying numbers of delimiters.

If V still thinks that the file is an invalid CSV file, you can try forcing CSV mode by clicking the arrow next to the CSV Mode button on the toolbar and selecting Force CSV. You will then have to enter the character that the file uses as a delimiter.

Column Headings

V always assumes that the first line of the file contains the column headings. As this is not always the case, the first line will also be displayed as the first line of data. There is no option to disable this behavior.

Customizing the CSV column names

If you regularly view the same CSV file, it is possible to customize the column headings.

To do this, select Edit Grid from the GridLines menu while you are viewing the file. Then right-click on each of the column headings and edit the column names.

Finally, select Save Grid from the GridLines menu and save the .vgrid file to the same directory as the CSV file (or to the Default Grid Directory if you have one).

Also, make sure that you enable Auto-Load Grids on the Grid Options submenu of the GridLines menu.

The next time you view the CSV file, the grid in the .vgrid file will be displayed instead of the first line of the CSV file.

Asian Text

Unfortunately, V will not correctly display CSV files containing Asian characters. If you try to view a CSV file with Asian characters, the Asian characters will usually be displayed as question marks.

This problem will not be fixed in V14. I will try to do something about it in V15 (but I am making no promises).

Please let me know if this is something you would like fixed. If enough users want to see this implemented, I will try to give it some priority.