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Problem with multiple file masks

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 8:25 pm
by vuser
I've used multiple file masks for years, and I just found out you can have exclusion masks. That's excellent! I did notice something a little odd, though.

I wanted to show all files that end with _x.sql but didn't contain _comp_. So, I thought I'd use this mask list:


Unfortunately, V shows every file in the folder except for those with a mask of *_comp_*.sql. This includes files ending in .bak and files containing _comp_ that didn't end in _x.sql.

But if I reverse the order of the masks:


V does exactly what I expect.

I'm okay with doing that, I just didn't expect it. Should the exclusions always come first?

Re: Problem with multiple file masks

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 9:56 pm
by FileViewer
No. As you have found out, this will not work.

Multiple file masks will (usually) display files that match any of the masks. In the above example, .bak files will match !*_comp_*, so they will be displayed.
But if I reverse the order of the masks (!*_comp_*,*_x.sql) V does exactly what I expect.
Yes. Putting the exclusion at the beginning causes V to display files that match all of the masks.

It has been a while since I implemented this - and I can't recall if this behavior is accidental or intentional. I'd like to think it is the latter!
